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Legal Notice
These legal notices apply to any Internet user visiting this site. By consulting it, the user undertakes without reserve to respect them. The legal notices can be modified at any time and without notice, we urge the user to consult them regularly.
This website is operated and it is the property of the BLAZQUEZ group
Address: 47 bis rue des auques, 81200 Mazamet, France
Site hosting: Wix
The site you are visiting is audited by the Google Analytics audience measurement and analysis system. The measurement is carried out via a system of remote markers (using the Javascript language) which makes it possible to collect statistical data on our audience in order to improve the quality and ergonomics of our website.
The measurements are carried out completely anonymously and it is not possible for us to know the identity of our visitors.
The BLAZQUEZ group will not disclose personal data concerning the user to third parties that it may communicate to it. In accordance with law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, law relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and amending law n ° 78-17 of January 06, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the user has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning you.
To exercise this right, simply send a written request to: Groupe BLAZQUEZ, 47 bis rue des auques, 81200 Mazamet, France.
The website is not intended to receive confidential information from the user. Consequently, any information, whatever the form that the user communicates to us on the website will in no case be considered confidential. When the data on this site is personal, users must use it in accordance with the regulations in force and the recommendations of the French National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL).
The contents of the website, texts, images, and any other element making up the website are protected and subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property rights. The domain name "www.groupe-blazquez.com" is owned and operated by the BLAZQUEZ group. The presentation and each of the elements of the site are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, and belong to the BLAZQUEZ group, or are subject to an authorization of use. No element composing the website can be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, loaded, misrepresented, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, in any medium whatsoever, in whole or in part, without prior written authorization associations, with the exception of strict use for the needs of the press and subject to compliance with intellectual property rights and any other property rights mentioned. The associations reserve the right to pursue any act of infringement of their intellectual property rights.
The BLAZQUEZ group disclaims all guarantees and responsibilities of any kind whatsoever, and will not be liable for special or consequential damages, direct or indirect, arising from connection to and / or use of this website and / or its content. The BLAZQUEZ group reserves the right to update this website, withdraw access to all or part of it, make all and any modifications, corrections, updates and changes to the current website and at any time.
The website and its content are governed by French law.